Says Astrodome: "For this album, unlike the previous two, which were practically live recorded, we decided we wanted to have total control over the recording, arranging, and mixing process. We embraced the infinite possibilities and freedom that a computer provides, allowing the process of editing to behave more like an instrument rather than just a recording environment. This approach not only gave us the outcome we were looking for but also allowed us to experiment with new techniques and sounds that were previously out of reach, adding a fresh dimension to our music. However, this method was also very demanding and time-consuming. Paradoxically, the lack of restraints that we desired ended up becoming a difficulty we had to overcome, pushing us to grow both creatively and technically. Ultimately, this journey resulted in an album that we feel represents a significant evolution in our sound. The sea was the "theme" that we wanted to explore this time, we tried to find new textures and harmonies that could somehow transport the listener to that environment without being too obvious. In our opinion, this album is a whole piece and should be listened that way. A crucial part of the process was, once again, trying to create something without any musical or style restraints but always trying to find a mutual ground between us, inspired by different things, leading us to a unique mix of different styles."
Says Astrodome: "For this album, unlike the previous two, which were practically live recorded, we decided we wanted to have total control over the recording, arranging, and mixing process. We embraced the infinite possibilities and freedom that a computer provides, allowing the process of editing to behave more like an instrument rather than just a recording environment. This approach not only gave us the outcome we were looking for but also allowed us to experiment with new techniques and sounds that were previously out of reach, adding a fresh dimension to our music. However, this method was also very demanding and time-consuming. Paradoxically, the lack of restraints that we desired ended up becoming a difficulty we had to overcome, pushing us to grow both creatively and technically. Ultimately, this journey resulted in an album that we feel represents a significant evolution in our sound. The sea was the "theme" that we wanted to explore this time, we tried to find new textures and harmonies that could somehow transport the listener to that environment without being too obvious. In our opinion, this album is a whole piece and should be listened that way. A crucial part of the process was, once again, trying to create something without any musical or style restraints but always trying to find a mutual ground between us, inspired by different things, leading us to a unique mix of different styles."
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